Two Tips for "Autumn Joy" Sedum

Truth be told...

I never appreciated this plant until I observed its full potential. Like many New England gardeners, I planted Autumn Joy for its drought tolerance, autumn color and, of course, as a snack for bees.


Being an easy plant to divide, I split up my mounds of Sedums transplanting one batch to a shadier part of my garden. This is the second year I have noticed that Autumn Joy grown in full sun developed a more intense shade of copper which was stunning ALL winter. But if you really want to maximize their beauty, try two tips. 

One, plant them in a bed which has year round full sun.  Yes, even in the winter.  The summer sun will bring out the rich color in the fall and it will remain on the plant as it dries.  

Second, plant them in bed with dark mulch, otherwise their color will blend. Remember, mulch matters too!